
APP-001258: Scoping and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Process for the Proposed Angola-Namibia Transmission Interconnection Project


The Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) is the regulating legislation that governs all activities that may have a potentially detrimental effect on the receiving environment. The following project activities trigger the need for an EIA in Namibia: Activity 1 - Energy generation, transmission and storage activities: the construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity. Activity 4 - Forestry activities: the clearance of forest areas, deforestation, afforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in terms of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. Activity 5.1 - Land use and development activities: the rezoning of land from use for nature conservation or zoned open space to any other land use. Activity 5.2 - Land use and development activities: the establishment of land resettlement schemes. Activity 7.5 - Agriculture and aquaculture activities: Pest control (herbicide application only) Activity 8 - Water resource developments: 8.8 Construction and other activities in water courses within flood lines; and 8.9 Construction and other activities within a catchment area. The proposed project is the construction of a 400 kV overhead transmission line, with a total length of approximately 362 km from the Kunene substation in Namibia (currently under construction) to the proposed Lubango substation in Angola. The ESIA applications will apply for approval of a 2 km wide corridor for this length. The transmission line servitude of approximately 80 m wide, within which the transmission line would be constructed, would be located within this 2 km wide corridor. The majority of the proposed project would be located in southern Angola, whilst approximately 31 km (9-10%) of the constructed line would be in Namibia (refer to Figure 1 1).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 16 April 2020

This EIA Report is/was listed currently or previously for Public Comment on the Department of Environmental Affairs ECC Portal http://eia.met.gov.na. You can search the eLibrary for all EIA reports for public comment here, track the progress of EIAs in Namibia using the EIA Tracker website on https://eia-tracker.org.na and you can learn more about the EIA process in Namibia here.