
APP-001204: Rezoning of Portion X of Portion 82 of the Remainder of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 from “Public Open Space” to “General Residential 2” for the purpose of a Hotel Pension (Golf Lodge)

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It is the intension of the proponent to permanently close Portion X of Portion 82 of the Remainder of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 as a Public Open Space and rezone Portion X of Portion 82 of the Remainder of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 from “Public Open Space” to “General Residential 2” to accommodate the formalization and development of the Golf Lodge. In order to permanently close Portion X, Portion 82 of the Remainder of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No. 133 will be subdivided into Portion X and Remainder. It is only a smaller portion (Portion X measuring 7805 m2) that is proposed to be closed and rezoned to accommodate the Golf Lodge development.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 23 March 2020

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