
Strategic support to the consolidation of the management and development of the newly proclaimed Sperrgebiet National Park and immediately adjacent areas

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The Parks and Wildlife Directorate of the Ministry of Environment & Tourism is the primary partner. However, the Directorate of Scientific Services, through their research and monitoring sections, as well as the Directorate of Tourism, co-responsibility for tourism concessions in parks, both within the same ministry, are important partners. Other partners in the Sperrgebiet, as approved by Cabinet of Namibia's Government, are the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Regional Government of the Karas Region. In addition, the private sector components of all these ministries (mining, tourism and fishing) need to be fully involved, as do the local authorities and communities of neighbouring towns and settlements (Orangemund, Rosh Pinah, Aus and Lüderitz) and the neighbouring land owners. Another important partner is the coordinator of the Ai-Ais / Richtersveld transfrontier area and entities that he may identify as important stakeholders. Finally, the local and national NGO sector has provided considerable support to aspects of the Sperrgebiet, including research, monitoring, specialist advice and guidance, and it has been the approach of SKEP-Namibia to be as inclusive as possible and to build a strong and broad support base for the ecosystem, park and project.

Namibia Nature Foundation
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