
Development of an Inventory of Ecosystem Services in Namibia


This report seeks to identify ecosystem services in Namibia, assess trends in the delivery of these ecosystem services and the drivers of change affecting their delivery, and prioritise ecosystem services for mainstreaming into decision-making. To ensure that this is consistent with the outcomes of currently ongoing and potential future initiatives of the Resource Mobilisation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ResMob) project, the report draws on many of the concepts and definitions provided by the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounts: Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA) and adopts the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA) as a key guiding reference. The study represents an example of a scoping study for undertaking a TEEB Country Study, and consequently can provide the basis for the main study phase of a TEEB Country Study.

Resource Mobilisation Project of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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