
Cranes and Agriculture: A Global Guide for Sharing the Landscape

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Cranes have coexisted with agriculture for centuries in some regions and may often benefit from cropland or grazing. However, the rapid expansion and intensification of agriculture is leading to severe loss of wetland and grassland habitats important to cranes, thus increasing the conflicts between cranes and farmers. Agriculture has been one of the main drivers behind severe population declines for 11 of 15 species of cranes in the world, and affects all species in one way or another. Cranes and Agriculture: A Global Guide for Sharing the Landscape synthesizes our current knowledge and experience about the interface between cranes and agriculture across different regions of the world, shares examples of both challenges and successes, and identifies potential solutions and opportunities. This Guide is intended to serve conservation practitioners, decision-makers, communities, and farmers who want to enlarge their understanding of the crane-agriculture interface, so that they can develop more effective and sustainable approaches that address their specific local or regional challenges. Readers can draw on the information and experiences described in the chapters and case studies to develop a conservation program that addresses the conflicts or opportunities relevant to their area and situation, whether at a local, regional, or flyway scale.

Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA
Austin JE, Morrison KL, Harris JT
International Crane Foundation
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Cranes and agriculture 2018.pdf 5.06 MB