
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Strategic Plan 2017/18 - 2021/22, April 2017

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The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) engaged a highly pragmatic participative strategic planning process during 2017 to identify the high level statement and core strategic values that would enable MFMR to achieve its statutory mandate, though directly working to achieve the NDP5 desire outcomes which in turn when achieved should ultimately contribute to the achievement of Harambee Prosperity Plan and Vision 2030. "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality" (Warren G. Bennis). The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources defined its vision as "Namibia to be a leading fishing nation with a well-developed aquaculture industry". The manner in which this should be achieved will be through the MFMR mission "which is "to responsibly manage living aquatic resources to continuously ensure a conducive environment for the fishing and aquaculture sector to prosper". Therefore, the MFMR also acknowledges that it will need to achieve its mission by working with an acceptable behavioural framework, which is expressed through the Ministry's six core values (outline in the document). The Ministry will focus on eight strategic objectives as defined within the themes/pillars undertaken by specific actions, outputs and set performance targets. It is very important to note that the strategic plan provided a brief review of its performance during 2012 to 2016. Furthermore also gave a background to the fisheries sector. A situation analysis of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is outlined that identifies the key stakeholders of the Ministry and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the fisheries sector. Finally, a strategic planning matrix is attached that defines the operational activities. The total budget requirement during the five years (2017/18 to 2021/22) is estimated to be N$1,319 086 000.00 of which N$1.186922 000.00 is for operational and N$132 164 000.00 is for development.

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