
National Aquaculture Master Plan for Namibia- Part 2: Freshwater aquaculture, Section 2: Situation analysis and challenges for developing the potential of freshwater aquaculture in 12 regions of Namibia

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The Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) has afforded aquaculture development a high priority status in their last three National Development Plans, a position also acknowledged in VISION 2030 (Namibia, Office of the President, 2004) which states that "Inland extensive and semi-intensive freshwater aquaculture systems will provide food, income and employment for rural communities" and seeks to achieve social and economic benefits for 90% of households living alongside the perennial rivers and seasonal rain-filled pans. To realize this ambition the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) were tasked by the National Planning Commission (NPC) in 2006 to develop a National Aquaculture Master Plan (NAMP), separated as Part 1: Mariculture and Part 2: Freshwater Aquaculture.

Series Editor:
Compiled for AquaStel (Pty) Ltd for Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Republic of Namibia
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