
A revision of the parasitic wasp genus Bathyaulax szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

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The predominantly Afrotropical braconine wasp genus Bathyaulax Szepligeti is revised and an identification key provided. A total of 51 species are recognized as valid; 27 species are described as new. andrewi sp. nov., erythropus sp. nov., kvisti sp. nov., larjuskini sp. nov. vannouhuysie sp. nov. and williami sp. nov. from Kenya, artoi sp. nov., heinie sp. nov. and jimii sp. nov. from D. R. Congo, buntikae sp. nov. from Sierra Leone and D. R. Congo, nigroconus sp. nov. from D. R. Congo and Uganda, atrox sp. nov. from Uganda, bifoveae sp. nov. and varkonyii sp. nov. from Tanzania, ikonenie sp. nov. from Senegal, Kenya and Uganda, fritzeni sp. nov., juhai sp. nov. and ollilae sp. nov. from Saudi Arabia, kossui sp. nov. and marjae sp. nov. from Yemen, kupariensis sp. nov. and raunoi sp. nov. from Mozambique, nirgitarsus sp. nov. from Madagascar, ramosus sp. nov. and suvie sp. nov. from South Africa, pickeri sp. nov. from South Africa and Namibia, and pippolaensis sp. nov. from north East Africa, possibly Somaliland. Bicentra Achterberg & Sigwalt is synonymized with Bathyaulax, hence Bathyaulax concavitarsis (van Achterberg & Sigwalt 1987) ) comb. nov. Keywords: Bicentra, Euryacria, Goniobracon, Afrotropical, Arabia.

Publication Title:

Journal of Natural History

Item Type:
Journal Article