
Vulture News - The journal of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group


The IUCN Species Survival Commission's Vulture Specialist Group Study Group is dedicated to Accipitrid and Cathartid vulture conservation, research and education. It was founded in 2011 and is made up of biologists, conservationists and people from other areas of expertise that work with or have an interest in vultures. The conservation philosophy is based on the concept that groups of concerned people can take a group of threatened species under their protection and assume responsibility for their survival. Vulture News is the journal of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group. It was originally the journal of the Vulture Study Group, which was formed in 1973 in southern Africa. The journal has been published since 1979 and is a venue for research, news, information and reports on vultures in all parts of the word where they occur. Contributions from ornithologists, research biologists, bird watchers, conservationists and any other interested people are encouraged. Single (or a series of) interesting pictures with extended captions are also encouraged.

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