
Waste a necessary evil for economically impoverished communities in least developed countries (LCDc): A case study

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The nexus of rapid population growth and improved socio-economic status of a country have been established as having a close correlation to increasing quantities of wastes generated per capita. Various studies show that waste harvesters contribute to the economic growth in certain countries through the informal sector - although this contribution is not usually recognized within current financial models. In this article, we argue that informal sector waste harvesting is an essential societal "evil" for the economically impoverished communities particularly from a Least Developed Country (LCD) perspective. To illustrate the economic contribution of waste harvesters in terms of jobs creation and income generation, we examine a case of Lesotho as a least developed country. Keywords: Impoverished communities, Job creation, Waste harvesters, Least developed countries, WasteCon 2010, Waste.

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