
Environmental Scoping Report for the proposed Stage 4 Expansion Project, the conversion of EPL3500 to a ML, a new (NamWater) water pipeline and upgrading the power supply (NamPower) at Langer Heinrich Mine

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LHM plans to increase uranium oxide production from 5.2 to 10 million pounds per annum (Mlbpa) and to convert EPL3500 in to a mining licence (ML) to enable the existing mine to extend into this area. The main components of the project include: the expansion of the existing processing plant (stage 4 expansion), the conversion of EPL3500 to a ML, an increase in the mine area and in the mining rate, and additional support infrastructure and services. The expansion project will also require additional water and power which will be provided by a new water pipeline and an upgraded power supply. The proposed expansion project, conversion of EPL3500 to a ML, water pipeline and power supply, whilst part of the same EIA process, are individual projects/components (under three separate proponents namely LHM, NamWater and NamPower) and will be subject to separate EIA and EMP reports. However in order to provide an overall picture of the proposed projects in relation to the Stage 4 developments during the consultation process they are all included in this scoping report.

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