
Update - A Regular Briefing on Aspects of Sustainable Development in Namibia, Published by the DRFN


Several of the first Updates addressed water, a rare commodity in Namibia. Were the Parliamentarians aware that in Khorixas, more than half the water pumped from a distant groundwater aquifer at great expense into the storage tanks above town was being lost before it ever reached the consumers? Later information from the water resource accounts compared the price of water, a necessity for life and said to be expensive, with that of Coke and beer. Were Parliamentarians aware that water cost far less than commodities more readily purchased? Were the Parliamentarians aware of the implications of signing the UN Convention on Biological Diversity or the UN Convention on Climate Change? Were they aware of the implications of Namibia's Drought Policy and Strategy that had been signed off by Cabinet? What about economic losses incurred each year from desertification in Namibia? - more than two million US dollars affecting communal and commercial farmers alike.

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