
Revision of the African species of the genus Tinodemus Guillebeau (Coleoptera, Phalacridae). Results of the entomological expeditions of the Museum of Natural History, Berlin to Africa. 76th contribution

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Genus Tinodemus Guillebeau, 1894 is redescribed. T. acuminatus sp. n. from Tanzania (?), T. apicalis sp. n. from Kenya, T. bicolor sp. n. from Tanzania, T. distinctus sp. n. from Botswana, Zambia, Burundi and Zimbabwe, T. maruskae sp. n. from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, T. neglectus sp. n. from Zambia, T. obsoletus sp. n. from Kenya, T. obtusus sp. n. from South Africa, T. ovalis sp. n. from Tanzania and Uganda, T. reticulatus sp. n. from South Africa and Tanzania, T. ruficornis sp.n. from Kenya, T. sanderi sp. n. from Guinea, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, T. sculpturatus sp. n. from Guinea, T. secundus sp. n. from Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia and T. snizeki sp. n. from Guinea and Uganda, are described and distinguished from similar species. The species examined are divided into the Tinodemus grouvellei and Tinodemus claviger species groups. The genus Astenulus Guillebeau, 1896 is synonymized with Tinodemus Guillebeau, 1894. Lectotypes of Tinodemus grouvellei Guillebeau, 1894 and Olibrus mesomelas Champion, 1925 are designated and redescribed. Astenulus micropus Guillebeau, 1896, Olibrus claviger Champion, 1925 and O. championi Hetschko, 1929 are redescribed and transferred to the genus Tinodemus. Nesiotus tropicus Scott, 1922, Olibrus mesomelas and O. rubicundus Champion, 1925 are transferred to the genus Tinodemus Stilbus capriviensis Lyubarsky, 1997 is transferred to the genus Podocesus Guillebeau, 1894. Olibrus fuscostriatus Lyubarski, 1997 is shown to be a junior synonym of Tinodemus rubicundus (Champion, 1925). T. rubicundus from Namibia, T. micropus from Réunion, T. claviger from Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe are recorded for the first time. A key to the African species of Tinodemus is presented. Keywords: Taxonomy, revision, descriptions, Phalacridae, Tinodemus, Astenulus, Podocesus, Stilbus, new species, key to the species, Africa.

Publication Title:

Zoosystematics and Evolution

Item Type:
Journal Article