Introducing size limits as a management tool for the recreational line fishery of silver kob, Argyrosomus inodorus (Griffiths and Heemstra), in Namibian waters
Individual silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus (Griffiths and Heemstra) first mature at just over 1 yr of age and the median age at maturity is approximately 1.5 yr. Spawning of silver kob was observed in the southern and central region of the stock's range, but little spawning activity was found in silver kob sampled from the northern region. The spawning period is protracted over 6 months (October-March), which coincides with warmer water temperatures (>15 °C) and the occurrence of large-sized spawning silver kob in the southern and central part of Namibia. Implementing a minimum size limit for the silver kob fishery is not recommended as it will have serious economic implications for the coastal communities. The protection of the spawning areas, Meob Bay and Sandwich, should be continued and a strict bag limit on large-sized silver kob is recommended for the Namibian silver kob recreational fishery. Keywords: Argyrosomus inodorus, length at maturity, management, optimum length, spawning season.
Fisheries Management and Ecology