
Snakes of Northern Namibia (Caprivi โ€“ Kavango Region)


This area enjoys some of the highest rainfall in Namibia and averages about 500mm per annum. It therefore supports a huge diversity of plant and tree species which in turn supports diversified birds, small mammals and reptiles, on which snakes feed. The result is an interesting and varied snake population, over 80% of all Namibia's snakes occur in this region. Some of the more dangerous snakes in Africa (Black Mambas and Cobras) are commonplace here, as is the notorious Puff Adder. A well-distributed rural population throughout this region with their pastoral way of life and vaste fields of Mahango (Pearl Millet) encourages rodents, a primary food source for most snakes. The remaining riverine vegetation and the sandy soils littered with rodent holes, offers snakes the required habitat to proliferate.

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