
Cotton production in Namibia and its experience since 1997/8 to 2006/07 cropping season


Cotton was first introduced to Okavango Region in 1990 by South African Company namely Tongat Cotton in 1990. During that period, farmers were contracted to grow the cotton crop through the First National Development Corporation (FNDC). The contract agreement entered between the growers and the company stipulated that growers can only sell their produce to that company. To this end, growers were provided with all the production inputs (seeds, fertilizers and harvesting bags). However, no efforts were made by the company to empower farmers through training in order to transfer knowledge and skills that will not only ensure continuation of cotton farming but the sustainability aspects of cotton production by farmers as well. Cotton production therefore came to a standstill when the company unceremoniously abandoned the project.

Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development
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