
Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the upgrading of infrastructure in the Etosha National Park - South Zone. Site Selection Report

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Aurecon has been appointed by MCA-N as the independent evironmental consultants to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study required by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development (MET:DEA). The process will investigate if there are any potential significant environmental and social negative impacts associated with construction activities of two staff villages and associated infrastructure and services. It will also provide an opportunity for the public and key role players to give input and participate in the process, as well as for specialist input on specific aspects. This report records the Site Selection process for development of housing and related infrastructure, whereby various development scenarios are considered from a variety of perspectives to ensure that a holistic and integrated approach is applied to site selection.

Contract No: MCAN/COM/RFP P2A02001
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