
Agreement on the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds - First report by South Africa on the implementation of the Agreement


South Africa has a wide range of legislation that is being implemented at the national and provincial level for the conservation of migratory waterbirds. The Sea Birds and Seal Protection Act (Act No. 46 of 1973), Marine Living Resources Act (Act no 18 of 1998) allows high level of protection on seabirds and the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004) offers a variety of protection measures for some species that are listed in the Annex of the Agreement. Mitigation measures for the longline fishery were gazetted on 2 September 1998 under the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998), and an observer scheme was initiated in 2000. During 2002 and 2003 it was intended that between 15 and 20% of voyages would have scientific observers aboard. The following single species action plans are implemented in South Africa for the conservation of some waterbirds species listed in the Annex 2 of the Agreement. South Africa is participating in the development of a Species Action Plan for the Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa, which is listed as a Priority Species (Category A, column 1c). Six other African countries participating in the development of this action plan include Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

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