Wader data collected on the Namibian coast in late January/March 1998 and February/March 1999
During the 1999 tern expedition to the Namibian coast a limited amount of time was spent in observing, counting and ringing waders. None of the counts made was complete owing to the vastness of the area and the limited numbers of observers. Further, at both Walvis Bay and Sandwich Harbour there is a continuous movement of birds at both ebb and flow tides with the possible resultant omission or over-counting of certain species. Details of certain counts made at each of the major sites on different dates appear elsewhere in this report. Specific information on high tide wader roosts at Walvis Bay is difficult to obtain and there is much variation in this respect between neap and spring tides. There is a strong likelihood of substantial movements of waders between Walvis Bay and Sandwich Harbour and other parts of the coastline between extreme tidal periods.