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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 2651 - 2674 of 2674
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2022. Counting the costs of wildlife crime.

In an important step in the fight against wildlife crime, the Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) and Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) recently partnered on a project to better understand the current state of knowledge about the illegal wildlife trade (IWT), and the economics of IWT in southern Africa. This critical work was supported by USAID/Southern Africa through its VukaNow Activity. IWT is the world's fourth largest illegal transnational activity, generating between USD $7 and $23 billion every year, and poses a major threat to the iconic wildlife species of southern Africa.

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Counting the costs of wildlife crime.pdf 90.03 KB
Smit E 2022. Probe into chinese businessman's mislaid docket.

A summons has been issued and forwarded to the Namibian Police for the return of service, to ensure that Chinese businessman Hou Xue Cheng and his co-accused answer to the criminal charges. 

Prediger K 2022. Trafficked pangolins get a second chance, but do they survive?. 16-21

In recent years, pangolins have become the most trafficked animal in Namibia. According to national wildlife crime reports, 491 pangolins (152 live and 339 carcasses or skins) were confiscated and 640 arrests made in the last seven years (2015-2021, MEFT statistics). Pangolins are poached for their scales, body parts, and meat for traditional beliefs, medicine and food worldwide. In recent years there is rising pressure on the species primarily due to their scales being used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Steynberg F 2021. Drie mans vas oor ses olifanttande.

Drie mans is onlangs op twee verskillende plekke met ses olifanttande vasgetrek. Twee Angolese burgers, mnre. Abraham Mwetupunga en Velema Nghitila, is Sondag op Onandjmba glo met twee olifanttande in hegtenis geneem en 'n Namibiese man, mnr. Philips Kutenda Thikuma, glo met vier olifanttande op 6 Maart by Mukwe. Hulle is deel van die 14 wildmisdaadverdagtes wat volgens die wildmisdaadverslag van 6 tot 14 Maart in sewe wildmisdaadsake in hegtenis geneem is. By Kamanjab is vier Namibiese mans, mnre.

Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) 2021. Combatting Wildlife Crime in Namibia - Annual Report 2020.

Rhino crimes accounted for most arrests during the past year, with 145 suspects having been detained. A significant number of these were pre-emptive arrests, where suspects were caught before they could kill a rhino. This is not only a highly commendable law enforcement success, but also a very positive conservation outcome. Pre-emptive arrests have directly saved numerous rhinos and will allow the population to continue to multiply. The number of rhinos known to have been poached in Namibia during 2020 has decreased from the previous year.

2021. Observatory of illicit economies in eastern and southern Africa. Risk Bulletin (16)

Collecting accurate, reliable information on illegal markets is no straightforward task. In this issue of the Risk Bulletin, we seek to explain how the GI-TOC has developed methods - working with networks of people who use drugs - to collect up-to-date information on retail drug prices and the shifting dynamics of drug markets. Information on drug prices has real-world impact: in at least three countries in East and southern Africa, the value of drugs involved in an offence has a direct effect on either the offence charged or on sentencing.

Smit E 2021. Cop, soldier arrested with rhino horns.

The environment ministry has condemned the involvement of law enforcement officers in wildlife crimes after a police officer and a member of the Namibian Defence Force were arrested for the possession of rhino horns last week. Four rhinos and one elephant have been poached this year to date. The four rhinos are all white rhinos poached on private farms while the elephant was poached in a conservancy in the Otjozondjupa Region, says Romeo Muyunda, spokesperson of the environment ministry

2021. Tanzania: More than 33,380 poachers arrested in past 5 years.

A total of 33,386 poachers have been arrested in the past five years, thanks to the intensified anti-poaching campaign initiated by the National Anti-Poaching Task Force (NTAP). Mr Nduhiye noted that in the past five years the task force managed to intercept various trophies including 14,741 pieces of ivory tusks, 25 rhinoceros horns, 10 live pangolins and 962 tortoises.

Ncube L 2021. Father and son arrested for poaching.

A Hwange man and his son have been arrested for poaching after they were allegedly caught trapping animals and birds at the edge of Hwange National Park. Smart Shoko (48) and Ferdinand Shoko (26) both of Number F98 Madumabisa were found in possession of four impala carcasses, a baboon carcass and 79 fowl birds when they were ambushed by an anti-poaching unit in Bumbusi area outside Hwange town on Tuesday.

Shikongo A 2021. Intensified anti-poaching efforts bear results.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism says intensified efforts against poaching and other wildlife crimes are bearing results as law-enforcement agencies continue to wrangle poaching suspects.

Hattingh E 2021. Teenstropingseenhede 'kan nie voorbly'.

"Daar gaan nie ‘n aand verby waar daar nie iewers gestroop word nie. Ek kan nie voorbly nie, die ding ruk handuit. Dis ‘n bekommernis." Só sê mnr. Rickus Spangenberg van Windhoek K9 Academy, wat honde oplei om die spoor van vee- en wilddiewe te sny en hulle vas te trek.

"Not a night goes by where there is no poaching anywhere. I can not keep up, the thing gets out of hand. It's a concern." So says Mr. Rickus Spangenberg of Windhoek K9 Academy, who trains dogs to follow the tracks of livestock and game thieves and catch them.

Smit E 2021. Less than 8% of wildlife crimes convicted.

Less than 8% of suspects arrested in connection with wildlife crimes of high-valued species last year have been convicted. Only 23 suspects out of 304 arrested last year for rhino, elephant and pangolin wildlife crimes have been convicted thus far. A total of 1 055 suspects have been arrested in connection with wildlife crime cases since the beginning of last year to 31 July.

Vatileni E 2021. Nine men arrested for wildlife crime in one week.

Nine men were arrested within six days in connection with the possession of the carcasses of wild animals, live pangolins, and a python skin.

2021. Retired N.B. police officer now covers the war against poaching in Kenya.

Rothesay's Chris Morris lives in the East African country and follows poaching cases through the courts.

Smit E 2021. 12 arrested for wildlife crimes.

At Oshikango, two Namibians and two Angolans were arrested on 9 November when they were found with three pangolin skins. In another incident at Nkurenkuru, four Namibians were arrested on 9 November when they were found in possession a cane rat carcass. At Witvlei, an Angolan national and a Namibian were arrested on 9 November with an oryx carcass. Meanwhile at Kahenge, two Namibians were arrested on 12 November with three python skins. Hausiku Haimbangu and Karupa Mukwambi were charged with illegal possession of and dealing in controlled wildlife products.

Smit E 2021. Eight arrested for wildlife crimes.

At Nkurenkuru three Namibians were arrested on 21 November for being in possession of a leopard skin and a python skin. Claudia Kambinda, Shikerete Shinyemba and Michael Domingo were all charged with illegal possession of and dealing in controlled wildlife products. In another incident at Kongola, three Zambian nationals and one Angolan were arrested on 22 November when they were found in possession of eland meat.

Briceno T, Perche J 2021. Namibia Case Study: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Curbing Illegal Wildlife Trade -  Final report for the project "Assessing the economic impact of Illegal Wildlife Trade in the SADC region" funded by USAID's VukaNow Activity, June 2021.

Since 2014, Namibia has seen a surge in wildlife poaching as a result of increasing international demand and depleting wildlife populations in other areas of the world. This has led to the loss of high-value species (such as elephants, rhinos, and pangolins) and concern about ecosystem impacts and associated economic losses. For instance, Namibia has become a key country for illegally sourced rhino horn, with a total of 416 rhino poached between 2013 and 2019, compared to only 13 rhinos poached between 2005 and 2013 (MEFT; 2020b, Milliken, 2014).

Adams S 2020. Conservation planes: Flying to save our wilderness.

"We provide free air support for the reserves up here," explains Rob over the headphones. "The more we’re doing surveillance up in the air, the safer the rhino below. In some cases, our surveillance has seen a 97 per cent drop in rhino poaching." Rob scans the bush constantly and, when he spots two waterbuck at a canter, he swoops down to take a closer look.

2020. Operation Blue Rhino.

Operation Blue Rhino is a formal cooperation between the Protected Resources Division of the Namibian Police Force within the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security and the Intelligence and Investigation Unit within the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

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TRAFFIC 2020. Initial analysis of the financial flows and payment mechanisms behind wildlife and forest crime.

This highly lucrative illicit business is managed by organised criminal groups through a variety of payment mechanisms. These mechanisms, including cash transactions and bulk cash smuggling, trade-based money-laundering, international bank transfers through legal businesses and nominee bank account holders, are key to advancing the objectives of criminal organisations.

Moneron S, Brock B, Newton D 2020. Insights from the incarcerated: an assessment of the illicit supply chain in wildlife in South Africa.

The illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products globally is estimated to be worth more than USD72 billion annually, ranking alongside the illegal trafficking of narcotics, arms, and humans. This illegal trade, like other transnational crimes, involves a complex network of various individuals with the ultimate goal of moving the commodities from source to consumer.

Schlossberg S, Chase MJ, Gobush KS, Wasser SK, Lindsay K 2020. State-space models reveal a continuing elephant poaching problem in most of Africa. Scientific Reports 10

The most comprehensive data on poaching of African elephants comes from the Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) program, which reports numbers of illegally killed carcasses encountered by rangers. Recent studies utilizing MIKE data have reported that poaching of African elephants peaked in 2011 and has been decreasing through 2018. Closer examination of these studies, however, raises questions about the conclusion that poaching is decreasing throughout the continent.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), Ministry of Safety and Security 2019. Combatting Wildlife Crime in Namibia Annual Report 2019.

This report covers the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.

The first annual report on combatting wildlife crime in Namibia is a noteworthy milestone. Wildlife crime has become one of the central conservation challenges of our time. Namibia’s response to this, since the current wave of crime began, has been underpinned by one central factor – strong partnerships.

't Sas-Rolfes M, Challender DWS, Hinsley A, Veríssimo D, Milner-Gulland EJ 2019. Illegal wildlife trade: Scale, processes, and governance. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 44 201-228

Illegal wildlife trade (IWT) has increased in profile in recent years as a global policy issue, largely because of its association with declines in prominent internationally trafficked species. In this review, we explore the scale of IWT, associated threats to biodiversity, and appropriate responses to these threats.