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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Nangolo N 2024. Bull elephant poachers wanted.
The police in the Kavango West region are appealing for public assistance in tracking down the suspect(s) who shot and killed a bull elephant valued at N$295 000 at Woma Village in the Mankumpi Constituency yesterday.
Monday, 16 October 2023
Hilukilwa P 2023. Cannabis, mandrax, and rhino horn possession lands six behindbars.

Meanwhile, the police at Outjo in the Kunene region arrested a 28-year-old suspect while he was transporting a rhinohorn on Friday evening. He was apprehended when the police stopped and searched the vehicle he was traveling inbetween Outjo and Okaukuejo. The rhino horn’s estimated value is N$300,000.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Kipke T 2023. Endemiese plante in gevaar.

Burke het 'n lys van bedreigings saamgestel wat die plante in die Sperrgebiet se voortbestaan belemmer. Eerstens noem Burke klimaatsverandering, "ons weet nie hoe die plante daarop gaan reageer nie." Dit is egter duidelik dat hulle in die toekoms aan groter stresfaktore blootgestel sal word. Mynbou vernietig ook habitatte. Dit is egter danksy diamantontginning dat hierdie diversiteit hoegenaamd in die beperkte gebied kon oorleef." Vir 'n geruime tyd al is ’n deel van die beperkte gebied ook vir die publiek oopgestel.

Thursday, 13 July 2023
Kipke T 2023. Endemische Pflanzen bedroht.

Nationalpark Sperrgebiet: Sorge um seltene Pflanzen ist groß. Im Nationalpark Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) gibt es Pflanzen, die sonst nirgends auf der Welt zu finden sind. Wissenschaftlerin Antje Burke bangt um die Zukunft der Endemiten. Durch Tourismus, Bergbau und Pflanzenwilderei könnten sie aussterben. 

Thursday, 22 June 2023
Hilukilwa P 2023. Nampol in Omusati thwart a rhino poaching expedition and confiscate the rifle.

Nampol in Omusati thwart a rhino poaching expedition and confiscate the rifle.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Nangolo N 2022. Vermeende stroper in been geskiet.

'n Vermeende stroper is Sondag op die plaas Kaliombo in die Karibib-omgewing in die been geskiet. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag het die 65-jarige plaaseienaar omstreeks 23:45 die honde hoor blaf. Veiligheidswagte van K-Sapu het hom ingelig oor vermeende stropers op sy eiendom. Die boer het ondersoek gaan instel en drie mans met vleis gewaar. Die verdagtes was met assegaaie en 'n byl gewapen. Hulle het ook drie honde by hulle gehad. Die verdagtes het na bewering probeer om die boer aan te val.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Nangolo N 2022. Suspected poacher wounded by farmer.

A farmer shot and wounded a suspected poacher in the leg at farm Kaliombo in the Karibib district on Sunday. It is alleged the farmer acted in self-defence, after a group of alleged poachers attempted to attack him after he discovered them on his farm. According to a crime update provided by the Namibian police, the farm owner (65) was alerted to possible intruders (65) when he heard dogs barking on Sunday at about 23:45. He was also notified about suspected poachers on his farm by security guards from K-Sapu Security and Anti-Poaching.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Ngcobo N 2021. Concern over rise in poaching at PMB nature reserve.

"In the last couple of weeks, we found in certain areas a marked increase in the number of snares and a zebra was just left to rot where it had died, caught up in the snare." "We need to ask people to walk regularly and look for the snares. Quite often, they will set the snares and then they don't return in time to see if the animal has been caught in the snare and the animal is just left to rot." The Msunduzi Municipality has also raised concern about the rise in poaching at the reserve in recent weeks.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Ngcobo N 2020. KZN poaching drops since virus lockdown.

KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife says they have seen a decrease in poaching since the start of the national lockdown. But the conservation body says they remain on high alert as poachers continue to operate in the province. Last week, a suspect was arrested in Mtubatuba, North of KZN for the illegal possession and sale of elephant ivory in the KwaMsane Township.

Thursday, 8 October 2015
Hilukilwa P 2015. Principal busted for poaching.

A timely tip-off and a swift police deployment in the dead of the night produced yet another success story in the Namibian Police’s ongoing anti-poaching campaign in the northern regions bordering the Etosha National Park when four suspected illegal hunters were caught red-handed on Wednesday morning. The suspects – including the principal of local primary school - were arrested in the Ompundja Constituency of the Oshana Region after they were allegedly found in possession of the carcasses of four duikers, one steenbok, four springhares, one rabbit and two red-crested korhaans.…

Friday, 17 July 2015
Hilukilwa P 2015. Poachers won’t win.

The police are determined to get to the bottom of the rhino poaching problem regardless of the status of the people involved, Commissioner Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa, who is leading an anti-poaching operation in the Etosha National Park and surrounding areas in Omusati and Kunene, has warned. On Wednesday, a team of investigating officers was sent from pillar to post by three suspected poachers who had pledged to give their full cooperation to the police.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Hilukilwa P 2015. Syndicates exposed in Etosha rhino poaching.

The police have made significant progress in their investigation of the recently discovered mass killings of rhino in the Etosha National Park. The death toll is expected to rise, if information at the sites of buried carcasses prove to be correct. A large number of suspects have been arrested and the list includes employees within the park. The Oshana police regional commander, Commissioner Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa, is heading a team of investigators permanently deployed in Etosha since June 1.