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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 7 of 7
Thursday, 13 April 2023
Hattingh E 2023. Syndikate diversifizieren illegale Aktivitäten.

Die Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Namibia, Mosambik und Sambia werden immer aufmerksamer, wenn es um den illegalen Schmuggel von u. a. Abalonen (Meeresschnecken) durch ihre Länder geht. Denn es mehren sich die Hinweise, dass dieselben Unternehmen und Personen, die in diesen Schmuggel verwickelt sind, auch an der Ausfuhr anderer illegaler Wildprodukte und weiteren illegalen Aktivitäten beteiligt sind. Demnach scheinen verschiedene Formen der Kriminalität mit dem illegalen Handel von Wildtieren zusammenzuhängen.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Hattingh E 2023. Smokkel wildprodukte saam met ander items.

Wetstoepassers in Namibië, asook in Mosambiek en Zambië begin al hoe meer let op die onwettige smokkelary van onder meer perlemoen deur hul lande. Dit omdat daar groeiende bewyse is dat dieselfde maatskappye en individue wat betrokke is in dié smokkelary, ook betrokke is in die uitvoer van onwettige wildprodukte en ander onwettige bedrywighede. Inteendeel, groeiende bewyse dui op 'n samevloeiing van ander vorme van misdaad met onwettige handel in wildprodukte.

Friday, 17 March 2023
Hattingh E 2023. Two 'rhino poachers' apprehended.

Two men were arrested yesterday around 09:00 in the Dordabis area after they allegedly poached two black rhinos, a cow and a calf, on a farm. The suspects had a hunting rifle in their possession, as well as 15 bullets, of which three had already been used. Two rhino horns were also found. The rhinos are valued at around N$500 000 each. The men were charged with various offences, including hunting protected wildlife and being in possession of unlicensed weapons. Police investigations continue.

Friday, 17 March 2023
Hattingh E 2023. Twee 'renosterstropers' aangekeer.

Twee mans is gister omstreeks 09:00 in die Dordabis-omgewing in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle glo twee swartrenosters, ‘n koei en ‘n kalf, op ‘n plaas doodgeskiet het. Die verdagtes het ‘n jaggeweer in hul besit gehad, asook 15 koeëls, waarvan drie reeds gebruik is. Twee renosterhorings is ook gevind. Die waarde van die renosters is sowat N$500 000 per renoster. Die mans is aangekla vir verskeie oortredings, insluitende vir die jag van beskermde wild en omdat hulle in besit was van ongelisensieërde wapens. Die polisie se ondersoek duur voort.

Friday, 17 March 2023
Hattingh E 2023. Zwei "Nashorn-Wilderer" festgenommen.

Zwei Männer wurden gestern gegen 09:00 Uhr in der Region Dordabis festgenommen, nachdem sie auf einer Farm zwei Spitzmaulnashörner, eine Kuh und ein Kalb, gewildert haben sollen. Die Verdächtigen waren im Besitz eines Jagdgewehrs und von 15 Kugeln, von denen drei bereits verwendet worden waren. Außerdem wurden zwei Nashornhörner gefunden. Die Nashörner haben einen Wert von jeweils rund 500 000 N$. Die Männer wurden wegen verschiedener Vergehen angeklagt, unter anderem wegen der Jagd auf geschützte Wildtiere und des Besitzes von nicht zugelassenen Waffen.

Friday, 23 July 2021
Hattingh E 2021. Stropers met sewe olifanttande gearresteer.

Twee mense is op Katima Mulilo en Kahenge met altesaam sewe olifanttande in hul besit betrap, terwyl nog twee mense gevang is toe hulle onderskeidelik luislangvelle en krokodilvelle van die hand wou sit.

Two people were caught on Katima Mulilo and Kahenge with a total of seven elephant tusks in their possession, while two more people were caught trying to dispose of python skins and crocodile skins respectively.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Raiva F 2020. Mozambique: Seven arrested on poaching related charges in Sofala.

Two teachers and five other people from Muanza district in Sofala province, including a smallholder and a public administration technician, were arrested this weekend while trying to sell two elephant tusks and the skin of a leopard for 44,000 meticais (24,000 for the tusks and 20,000 for leopard skin).