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Displaying results 1 - 32 of 32Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Clancey PA 1960. The races of the Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus (Linnaeus), with the characters of a new form from South West Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 80 121 - 124
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The races of the Bokmakierie_SWA.pdf 1.86 MB
Paulian R 1960. Le Namib, desert de poche. La Terre et la Vie 4 204-217
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The Namib desert pocket.pdf 6.51 MB
Buttiker W 1960. Artificial nesting devices in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (2) 39 - 48
Wipplinger O 1960. The hydrology and potential of the Kunene. SWA Annual 1960 89 - 95
Hoesch W 1960. Zum Brutverhalten des Laufhänchens Turnix sylvatica lepurana. Journal für Ornitologie 101 265 - 275
Schüz E 1960. Die Verteilung des Weissstorchs in südafrikanischen Ruheziel. Die Vogelwarte 20 (3) 205 - 222
Sanft K 1960. Aves/Upupae. Bucerotidae. Das Tierreich 76 1 - 74
Tarboton W 1960. A trip to Etosha Pan Game Reserve. 33 6 - 7
Sauer EGF, Sauer E 1960. Wiederfund einer in SWA beringte Trauerseeschwalbe im asiatischen Russland. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 1 (6) 3 - 4
Prozesky OPM 1960. Birdlife at Sandwich Harbour. Bulletin of the Transvaal Museum 4 2 - 3
Niethammer G 1960. Guanovögel. Orion 10 767 - 774
Maclean GL 1960. Records from southern South West Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (2) 49 - 63
Courtney-Latimer M, Clancey PA 1960. The Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius (Latham) nesting on a rock face. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (1) 35
Maclean GL 1960. Records from southern South-West Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (2) 49-63
Maclean GL 1960. Records from southern South-Wast Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (2) 49-63
de Winter B 1960. Notes on some South African species of the genus Euclea. Bothalia (7) 403-404
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Notes on some South African species of the Genus Euclea.pdf 140.74 KB
Lawrence RF 1960. The Namib Desert Biological Station. South African Journal of Science 56 (4) 90
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The Namib Desert Biological Station.pdf 41.22 KB
Clancey PA 1960. On the characters and range of Zosterops pallida deserticola Reichenow. Durban Museum Novitates 6 (2) 44 - 45
Clancey PA 1960. Geographical variation in the Chanting Goshawk Melierax musicus (Daudin). Durban Museum Novitates 6 (2) 14 - 18
Clancey PA 1960. On the races of Prinia pectoralis (Smith). Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 80 15 - 16
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On the races of Prinia pectoralis.pdf 939.63 KB
White CMN 1960. Notes on some African warblers. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 80 18 - 21
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Notes on some African Warblers.pdf 1.85 MB
White CMN 1960. Notes on some African larks.. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 80 22 - 24
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Notes on some African Larks.pdf 1.36 MB
Nordstrom G 1960. Die Vogelberingung in Finland im Jahre 1958. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 35 1 - 63
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Die Vogelberingung in Finland im Jahre 1958_Common Tern.pdf 28.98 MB
Clancey PA 1960. Geographical variation in the White-backed Mousebird Colius colius (Linnaeus). Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 80 14 - 15
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Geographical vartiation in the White_backed Mousebird.pdf 922.01 KB
Clancey PA 1960. The South African races of the Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola (Sundevall). Durban Museum Novitates 6 (2) 18 - 27
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The South African races of the Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola.pdf 854.9 KB
Sauer EGF, Sauer EM 1960. Zugvögel aus der Palaeartischen und Afrikanischen Region in Südwestafrika. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 11 41 - 86

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