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Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van der Merwe G 1948. Birdwatching in S-.W. Africa. African Wildlife 1 74 - 76
Menmuir EM 1948. Birdwatching in S.-W. Africa. African Wildlife 1 74 - 76
Schweickerdt HG 1948. An account of the South African species of Tribulus Tourn. ex Linn. Bothalia (4) 159-157
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An account of the South African Species of Tribulus.pdf 2.5 MB
Willoughby EJ 1948. Desert colouration in birds of the Central Namib Desert. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 44 59 - 68
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Willoughby_1969_sci_pap_desert_colouration.pdf 2.4 MB

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