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Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hoesch W 1934. Nester und Gelege aus dem Damaraland Teil 1. Journal für Ornitologie 82 325 - 339
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Nester und Gelege aus dem Damaraland Teil 1.pdf 160.25 KB
Roberts A 1934. Reviews and records. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 5 (2) 85
Hoesch W 1934. Lamprocolius nitens bispecularis als Wirtvogel von Clamator glandarius. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 42 68 - 70
Hoesch W 1934. Wie Anthoscopus minutus sein Nest Verschliesst. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 42 50 - 51
Nettelton GE 1934. History of the Ngamiland Tribes up to 1926. Bantu Studies (8)
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History of the Ngamiland Tribes up to 1926.pdf 495.23 KB
Zschokke M 1934. Milk-fever in sheep: A contribution to the record of clinical cases. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 5 (1) 23-24
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Milk_fever in sheep.pdf 93.88 KB
Hewitt J 1934. On several solifuges, scorpions, and a trapdoor spider from South West Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 15 (3) 401-412

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