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Displaying results 1 - 2 of 2Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Miller JRN, Balme G, Lindsey PA, Loveridge AJ, Becker MS, Begg C, Brink H, Dolrenry S, Hunt JE, Jansson I, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza-Chikerema RL, Cotterill AO, Packer C, Rosengren D, Stratford K, Trinkel M, White PA, Winterbach C, Winterbach HEK, Funston PJ 2016. Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions. Biological Conservation (201) 160-168
Dubach JM, Briggs MB, White PA, Ament BA, Patterson BD 2013. Genetic perspectives on "Lion Conservation Units" in eastern and southern Africa. Conservation Genetics 14 741-755

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