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Wiegand K, Saltz D, Ward D 2006. A patch-dynamics approach to savanna dynamics and woody plant encroachment - Insights from an arid savanna. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7 (4) 229 - 242
Ward D, Ngairorue BT, Apollus A, Tjiveze H 2000. Perceptions and realities of land degradation in arid Otjimbingwe, Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 45 (4) 337 - 356
Ward D, Ngairorue BT, Kathena J, Samuels R, Ofran Y 1998. Land degradation is not a necessary outcome of communal pastoralism in arid Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 40 (4) 357 - 371
Ward D, Saltz D, Ngairorue BT 2004. Spatio-temporal rainfall variation and stock management in arid Namibia. Journal of Range Management 57 (2) 130 - 140
Ward D, Ngairorue BT 2000. Are Namibia's grasslands desertifying?. Journal of Range Management 53 138 - 144
Saltz D, Ward D, Kapofi I, Karamata J 2004. Population estimation and harvesting potential for game in arid Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 34 (2) 153 - 161
Stuart-Hill G, Diggle R, Munali B, Tagg J, Ward D 2005. The event book system: A Community-based Natural Resource Monitoring System from Namibia. Biodiversity and Conservation 14 (11) 2611-2631
Angula HN, Stuart-Hill G, Ward D, Matongo G, Diggle RW, Naidoo R 2018. Local perceptions of trophy hunting on communal lands in Namibia. Biological Conservation (218) 26-31
Roberts CS, Seely M, Ward D, Mitchell D, Campbell JD 2008. Body temperatures of Namib Desert tenebrionid beetles: their relationship in laboratory and field. Physiological Entomology (16) 463-475
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Ward D, Ngairorue BT 2000. Are Namibia's grasslands desertifying?. Journal of Range Management (53) 138-144
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Are Namibias grasslands desertifying.pdf 108.59 KB
Ward D 2009. The Biology of Deserts.
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The Biology of Deserts.pdf 5.62 MB
Wiegand K, Ward D, Saltz D 2005. Multi-scale patterns and bush encroachment in an arid savanna with a shallow soil layer. Journal of Vegetation Science 16 311-320
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011. Savanna tree-grass competition is modified by substrate type and herbivory. Journal of Vegetation Science 2 225-237
Meyer KM, Wiegand K, Ward D 2009. Patch dynamics integrate mechanisms for savanna tree-grass coexistence. Basic and Applied Ecology 10 491-499
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011.   Intraspecific competition between shrubs in a semi-arid savanna. Plant Ecology 212 701-713
Stuart-Hill G, Diggle R, Munali B, Tagg J, Ward D 2006. The event book system: community-based monitoring in Namibia. Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa Theme Section 9 70-78
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Ward D 2005. Do we understand the causes of bush encroachment in African savannas?. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22 (2) 101 - 105
Meyer M, Wiegand K, Ward D, Moustakas A 2007. The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics. Journal of Ecology 95 (6) 1306 - 1315
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The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics.pdf 321.83 KB
Dallas HF, Curtis BA, Ward D 1991. Water exchange, temperature tolerance, oxygen consumption and activity of the Namib desert snail, Trigonephrus sp.. Journal of Molluscan Studies 57 359-366
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Ward D, Robertson A 2017. Oxpeckers in Namibia: A review of their status and distribution in 2017. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (A) 6-13

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