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Displaying results 1 - 13 of 13Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Vogel JC, Rust U 1987. Environmental changes in the Kaokoveld Namib Desert during the present millennium. Madoqua 15 (1) 5-16
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Environmental changes in the Kaokoland.pdf 2.02 MB
Vogel JC 1989. Evidence of past climatic change in the Namib Desert. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 70 (4) 355-366
Vogel JC, Fuls A 2005. Life-span of leadwood trees. South African Journal of Science 101 98 - 100
Vogel JC 1982. The age of the Kuiseb River silt terrace at Homeb. Palaeoecology of Africa and the surrounding islands 15 201-210
Jacobson L, Vogel JC 1975. Recent radiocarbon dates from the Brandberg. South African Journal of Science (71) 349
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Recent radiocarbon dates from the Brandberg.PDF 170.18 KB
Jacobson LJ, Vogel JC 1977. Radiocarbon dates for a shell midden complex from Wortel, Walvis Bay. Madoqua 10 (1) 85-86
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Radiocarbon dates for a shell midden complex from Wortel.pdf 1.65 MB
Steenkamp CJ, Vogel JC, Fuls A, van Rooyen N 2008. Age Determination of Acacia erioloba trees in the Kalahari.
Vogel JC, Seely MK 1977. Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert. Madoqua 10 (1) 75-78
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Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert.pdf 380.17 KB

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