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Kauatjirue J, Shamathe K, Pringle HJR, Zimmermann I 2009. Pilot restoration project in a key fertile valley of the Highland Savanna.
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Restoration_Project_Namibian_Rangeland_Forum_2009 small.pdf 2.19 MB
Zimmermann I, Shamathe K, Tjilumbu L, Muheua S, Liyemo A, Kauatjirue J 2008. Participatory research with Namibian farmers to improve ecological functioning.
Pringle H, Zimmermann I, Shamathe K 2009. Bush encroachment in the Auas-Oanob Conservancy, Namibia: Mixing local expert knowledge and science to unravel salient factors through the Ecosystem Management Understanding (EMU) Process. Grassroots: Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 9 (1) 14-17
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Bush encroachment in the Auas_Oanob Conservancy _Namibia_2009.pdf 741.65 KB
Shamathe K, Zimmermann I, Pringle HJR, Rusch EA, Rusch IB 2008. Restoration of a gully system in a key upland fertile valley.
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Spotlight_109.pdf 643.93 KB

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