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Pain DJ, Metayer C, Amiard JC 1993. Lead determination in avian blood - application to a study of lead contamination in raptors from France. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 53 (1) 29 - 35
Pain DJ, Sears J, Newton I 1995. Lead concentrations in birds of prey in Britain. Environmental Pollution 87 (2) 173 - 180
Green RE, Pain DJ 2019. Risks to human health from ammunition-derived lead in Europe. Ambio 48 954-968
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Risks to human health from ammunition_derived lead in Europe.pdf 451.6 KB
Swan G, Naidoo V, Cuthbert R, Green RE, Pain DJ, Swarup D, Prakash V, Taggart M, Bekker L, Das D, Diekmann J, Diekmann M, Killian E, Meharg A, Patra RC, Saini M, Wolter K 2006. Removing the Threat of Diclofenac to Critically Endangered Asian Vultures. PLOS Biology 4 (3) 0395-0402
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Swan_2006_plos_biology_4_diclofenac.pdf 690.37 KB

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