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Monadjem A, Wolter K, Neser W, Kane A 2014. Effect of rehabilitation on survival rates of endangered Cape vultures. Animal Conservation 17 52-60
Wolter K, Neser W, Hirschauer MT, Camina A 2016. Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breeding status in southern Africa: monitoring results from 2010–2014. Ostrich DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2016.1179689
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Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breeding status in southern Africa.pdf 546.86 KB
Kane A, Wolter K, Neser W, Kotze A, Naidoo V, Monadjem A 2016. Home range and habitat selection of Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres in relation to supplementary feeding. Bird Study DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2016.1214105
Wolter K, Neser W, Diekmann M, Verdoorn G 2014. South African Cape Vulture released in Namibia in 2005 is back in South Africa.. Afring News 43 21-22
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South African Cape Vulture released in Namibia.pdf 142.22 KB
Monadjem A, Wolter K, Neser W, Kane A 2014. Effects of rehabilitation on survival rate of endangered Cape Vultures. Animal Conservation 17 (1) 52-60

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