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Suich H, Odendaal F, Strauss H, Lane P, Strauss F, Links G, Rooi J, Oranje N, Singh D, de Wet A, Cloete J, de Wet W, Thornton A, Stephanus J Reflections on Transfrontier Conservation Areas using the proposed greater !Gariep TFCA as an example.
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Reflections_on_Transfrontier_Conservation_Areas.pdf 1.75 MB
Lane P, Reid A, Segobye A 1998. Ditswa Mmung: The archaeology of Botswana.
Mustaphi CJC, Capitan C, Boles O, Kariuki R, Newman R, Munishi L, Marchant M, Lane P 2019. Integrating evidence of land use and land cover change for land management policy formulation along the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. Anthropocene (28) 100228
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CourtneyMustaphi et al 2019 Anthropocene.pdf 3.54 MB

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