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Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G 2017. Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation (217) 96-103
Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation 217 (96-103) 2017
Naidoo R, Brennan A, Shapiro AC, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, du Preez P, Kilian JW, Stuart-Hill G, Taylor RD 2020. Mapping and assessing the impact of small-scale ephemeral water sources on wildlife in an African seasonal savannah. Ecological Applications In Press
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Turner WC, Périquet S, Goelst CE, Vera KB, Cameron EZ, Alexander KA, Belant JL, Cloete CC, du Preez P, Getz WM, Hetem RS, Kamath PL, Mackenzie M, Mendelsohn J, Mfune JKE, Muntifering JR, Portas R, Scott HA, Strauss WM, Versfeld W, Wachter B, Wittemyer G, Kilian JW 2022. Africa's drylands in a changing world: Challenges for wildlife conservation under climate and land-use changes in the Greater Etosha Landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation 38 e02221
Huang Y-H, Kausrud K, Hassim A, Ochai SO, van Schalkwyk OL, Dekker EH, Buyantuev A, Cloete CC, Kilian JW, Mfune JKE, Kamath PL, van Heerden H, Turner WC 2022. Environmental drivers of biseasonal anthrax outbreak dynamics in two multihost savanna systems. Ecological Monographs e1526
Naha D, Périquet S, Kilian JW, Kupferman CA, Hoth-Hanssen T, Beasley JC 2023. Fencing affects movement patterns of two large carnivores in Southern Africa. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 (1031321)
Turnbull PCB, Diekmann M, Kilian JW, de Vos V, Arntzen L, Wolter K, Bartels P, Kotze A 2008. Naturally acquired antibodies to Bacillus anthracis protective antigen in vultures of southern Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 75 95-102
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