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Kaestner PG 1997. The Patagonia phenomenon (A Windhoek yard list). Lanioturdus 30 (3) 14-21
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The Patagonia phenomenon_A Windhoek yard list.pdf 375.21 KB
Kaestner PG 1999. A beginner's guide to the Larks of Namibia: Part 2 - Species accounts. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 3-14
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A beginners guide to the Larks of Namibia_Part 2_1999.pdf 620.85 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. Roadside birding in the far north. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 15-18
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Roadside birding in the far north.pdf 325.76 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. Walvis Bay - Birds for everyone. Lanioturdus 31 (2) 2-12
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Walvis Bay_Birds for everyone.pdf 568.35 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. Identifying immature Plovers on the coast: Do Kentish Plovers occur in Namibia?. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 22-23
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Do Kentish Plovers occur in Namibia.pdf 160.3 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. A beginner's guide to the Larks of Namibia: Part 1 - Introduction/Overview. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 3-11
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A beginners guide to the Larks of Namibia_Part 1.pdf 442.26 KB

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