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Eifler D, Eifler M 2014. Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris. Amphibia-Reptilia 35 383-389
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Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris_2014.pdf 142.06 KB
Iiyambo N, Eifler D, Marais E, Kirchhof S 2016. Meroles anchietae: Size, growth and longevity. 12-15
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Meroles anchietae_2016_AHN.pdf 1.12 MB
Hedman HD, Alvarez HM, Hanghome GPK, Eifler M, Eifler D 2014. Reptiles of the Gobabeb Research and Training Centre. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 21 (2) 73-79
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Reptiles of the Gobabeb Research and Training Centre_2014.pdf 5.84 MB

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