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Oschadleus HD, Dyer BM, Crawford RJM, Upfold L 2003. Sociable Weaver roadside nest densities in southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 36 (3) 12-17
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Underhill LG, Crawford RJM 2005. Indexing the health of the environment for breeding seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 360e365
David JHM, Curry P, Crawford RJM, Randall RM, Underhill LG, Meÿer MA 2003. Assessing conservation priorities in the Benguela ecosystem, South Africa: analysing predation by seals on threatened seabirds. Biological Conservation 114 (2) 289-292
Whittington PA, Randall RM, Crawford RJM, Wolfaardt AC, Klages NTW, Randall BM, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, Jones R 2005. Patterns of immigration to and emigration from breeding colonies by African penguins. African Journal of Marine Science 27 (1) 205-213
Whittington PA, Randall RM, Randall BM, Wolfaardt AC, Crawford RJM, Klages NTW, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, Jones R 2005. Patterns of movements of the African penguin in South Africa and Namibia. African Journal of Marine Science 27 (1) 215-229
Crawford RJM, David JHM, Shannon LJ, Kemper J, Klages NTW, Roux J-P, Underhill LG, Ward VL, Williams AJ, Wolfaardt AC 2001. African penguins as predators and prey - coping (or not) with change. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 435-447
Crawford RJM, Simmons RE 1997. Dama Tern. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 1 480-481
Villacastin-Herrero CA, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Shannon LV 1996. Sea-surface temperature of oceans surrounding subequatorial Africa - seasonal patterns, spatial coherence and long-term trends. South Africa Journal of Science 92 189-197
Berruti A, Underhill LG, Shelton PA, Moloney C, Crawford RJM 1993. Seasonal and interannual variation in the diet of 2 colonies of the Cape Gannet (Morus capensis) between 1977-78 and 1989. Colonial Waterbirds 16 1977 – 1978
Crawford RJM, Siegfried WR, Shannon LV, Villacastin-Herrero CA, Underhill LG 1990. Environmental-influences on marine biota off southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 86 330-339
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Berruti A 1983. Cape Cormorants as potential indicators of pelagic fish stocks off southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 79 466-468
Shannon LV, Crawford RJM, Duffy DC 1984. Pelagic fisheries and warm events - a comparative study. South Africa Journal of Science 80 51-60
Crawford RJM, Shannon LV, Pollock DE 1987. The Benguela ecosystem. Part IV. The major fish and invertebrate resources. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 25 353-505
Macdonald IAW, Crawford RJM, Siegfried WR, Huntley BJ 1988. Long-term environmental-change in and around southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 84 483-486
Shannon LV, Crawford RJM, Brundrit GB, Underhill LG 1988. Responses of fish populations in the Benguela ecosystem to environmental change. Journal Du Conseil 45 5 – 12
Crawford RJM, Williams AJ, Randall RM, Randall BM, Berruti A, Ross GJB 1990. Recent population trends of Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus off southern Africa. Biological Conservation 52 (3) 229 – 243
Cooper J, Crawford RJM, Suter W, Williams AJ 1990. Distribution, population-size and conservation of the Swift Tern Sterna bergii in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 61 (1-2) 56 – 65
Williams AJ, Steele WK, Cooper J, Crawford RJM 1990. Distribution, population-size and conservation of Hartlaub's Gull Larus hartlaubii. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 61 (1-2) 66 – 76
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Brooke RK, Cooper J 1982. Taxonomy, distribution, population size and conservation of the Crowned Cormorant Phalacrocorax coronatus. Gerfaut 72 3 - 30
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA 1981. Population trends for some southern African seabirds related to fish availability. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore Cooper, J. 15-41
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Batchelor AL, Clinning CF 1980. Observations on the mortality of juvenile Cape Cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis during 1975 and 1979. Fisheries Bulletin of South Africa (13) 69 - 75
Cooper J, Brooke RK, Shelton PA, Crawford RJM 1982. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis. Fisheries Bulletin of South Africa 16 121 - 143
Crawford RJM, Williams AJ, Crawford PB 1986. A note on mortality of seabirds off western southern Africa, October 1985–February 1986. South African Journal of Marine Science 4 (1) 119-123
Sherley RB, Crawford RJM, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Makhado AB, Masotla M, Pichegru L, Pistorius PA, Roux J-P, Ryan PG, Tom D, Upfold L, Winker H 2019. The status and conservation of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis. Ostrich 90 (4) 335-346
Dyer BM, Cooper J, Crawford RJM, Sherley RB, Somhlaba S, Cockcroft A, Upfold L, Makhado AB 2020. Geographical and temporal variation in the diet of Bank Cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus in South Africa. Ostrich 90 (4) 373-390
Crawford RJM 2007. Food, fishing and seabirds in the Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Ornithology 148 (2) 253-260
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Crawford RJM, Sydeman WJ, Tom DB, Thayer JA, Sherley RB, Shannon LJ, Mcinnes AM, Makhado AB, Hagen C, Furness RW, Carpenter-Kling T, Saraux C 2022. Food limitation of seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem and management of their prey base.   Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (A) 1-13
Makhado AB, Braby R, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Mcinnes AM, Tom D, Crawford RJM 2021. Seabirds of the Benguela Ecosystem: Utilisation, long-term changes and challenges. Birds - Challenges and opportunities for business, conservation and research Mikkola H
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Sherley RB, Ludynia K, Lamont T, Roux J-P, Crawford RJM, Underhill LG 2013. The initial journey of an Endangered penguin: implications for seabird conservation. Endangered Species Research 21 89-95
Sherley RB, Makhado AB, Crawford RJM, Hagen C, Kemper J, Ludynia K, Masotla MJ, McInnes A, Pichegru L, Tom D, Upfold L, Waller LJ 2024. The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus should be considered Critically Endangered. Ostrich 95 (3)
Crawford RJM, Altwegg R, Barham BJ, Barham PJ, Durant JM, Dyer BM 2011. Collapse of South Africa's penguins in the early 21st century. African Journal of Marine Science 33 (1) 139-156
Crawford RJM, Altwegg R, Barham BJ, Barham PJ, Durant JM, Altwegg R 2014. Age-specific survival and movement among major African Penguin Spheniscus demersus colonies. IBIS 156 (4) 716-728
Sherley RB, Crawford RJM, de Blocq AD, Dyer BM, Geldenhuys D, Hagen C, Kemper J, Makhado AB, Pichegru L, Upfold L, Visagie J, Waller LJ, Winker H 2020. The conservation status and population decline of the African penguin deconstructed in space and time. Ecology and Evolution 10 (15) 8506-8516

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