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Displaying results 101 - 113 of 113Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Burke A, Mannheimer C 2004. Plant species of the Sperrgebiet (Diamond Area 1). Dinteria 29 79 - 109
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Dinteria_29G.pdf 249.82 KB
Henschel JR, Burke A, Seely M 2005. Temporal and spatial variability of grass productivity in the Central Namib Desert. African Study Monographs 30 43 - 56
Burke A 2003. Towards implementing ecological restoration in Namibia. South African Journal of Science 99 (9 - 10) 417 - 418
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Towards implementing ecological restoration in Namibia.pdf 255.97 KB
Burke A 2002. Are Namibian inselbergs conservation islands? A floral perspective. South African Journal of Science 98 560 - 562
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Are Namibian inselbergs conservation islands_2002.pdf 248.29 KB
Burke A, Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation studies in Namibia. Dinteria 26 1 - 24
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Vegetation studies in Namibia.pdf 243.04 KB
Burke A, Wittneben M 2008. A preliminary account of the vegetation of the Auas Mountains. Dinteria 30 41 - 91
Burke A 2008. The vegetation of the Spitzkoppe area - 2115CC. Dinteria 30 93 - 131
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Dinteria30 93-131.pdf 1.43 MB
Burke A 2017. New plant distribution records for southern Namibia. Bothalia 47 (1) a2251
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New plant distribution records for southern Namibia.pdf 4.75 MB

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