drainage system

A surface stream, or a body of impounded surface water, together with all other such streams and water bodies that are tributary to it and by which a region is drained. An artificial drainage system includes also surface and subsurface conduits. (Source: BJGEO)

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Displaying results 1 - 20 of 20 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stengel HW 1963. Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese - Water Affairs in S.W.A..
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Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese.pdf 30.9 MB
Dardis GF, Beckedahl HR, Stone AW 1992. Fluvial systems. The Geomprphology of southern Africa 3 31-79
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Fluvial systems.pdf 5.71 MB
Moore A, Cotterill F 2010. Chapter 15: Victoria Falls: Mosi-oa-Tunya – The Smoke That Thunders. Geomorphological Landscapes of the World 142-143
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Victoria Falls Mosi_oa_Tunya_The Smoke That Thunders.pdf 1.94 MB
Akawa MN, Andreas KJ, Endjala TN, Halundonga A-L, Hamukoshi E, Iiyambo D, Mbango T, Mulonga S, Muteyauli P, Nghikembua M-L, Nkandi K, Steenkamp B, Uazukuani U 2002. Water use and environmental conditions along the Etaka canal in north-central Namibia.
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SDP10.pdf 860.17 KB
Lancaster N, Schaber GG, Teller JT 2000. Orbital Radar Studies of Paleodrainages in the Central Namib Desert. Remote Sensing of Environment 71 (2) 216-225
Metago Water Geosciences 2010. ARD Assessment Husab.
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ARD Assessment Husab.pdf 521.67 KB
Smith PA 1976. An outline of the vegetation of the Okavango Drainage System. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 92-112
Stankiewicz J, de Wit MJ 2006. A proposed drainage evolution model for Central Africa—Did the Congo flow east?. Journal of African Earth Sciences 44 75-84
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A proposed drainage evol model did the congo flow east.pdf 871.17 KB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development (MAWRD) 2000. Legislative and regulatory frameworks: Theme Report: Namibia water resources management review. 1-28
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MAWRD_Legislative and Regulatory Framework_2000.pdf 12.59 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Landscapes of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Landscapes_lowres.pdf 843.5 KB
Miller RM, Pickford M, Senut B 2010. The geology, palaeontology and evolution of the Etosha Pan, Namibia: Implications for terminal Kalahari deposition. South African Journal of Geology 113 (3) 307 - 334
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Cuvelai geology 307-334 Miller et.al_.pdf 2.28 MB