surface water

All waters on the surface of the Earth found in streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, marshes or wetlands, and as ice and snow. (Source: LANDY / BJGEO)

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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano JM, Ucha IR 2009. Seasonal variability of fCO2 in the Angola-Benguela region. Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4) 124-133
Franz M, Kramer-Schadt S, Kilian W, Wissel C, Groeneveld J 2010. Understanding the effects of rainfall on elephant - vegetation interactions around waterholes. Ecological Modelling 221 (24) 2909-2917
Metago Environmental Engineers 2010. Surface Water Management.
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2010_Husab_surface_water.pdf 1.57 MB
Hughes D, Ashton PJ, Gorgens A, Jewitt G, Schulze R, Smithers J, Pegram G, Dube R 2003. South African research in the hydrological sciences: 1999-2002. South African Journal of Science 99 394 - 397
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South African research in the hydrological sciences 1999-2002.pdf 298.52 KB
le Maitre DC, Versfeld DB, Chapman RA 2000. Impact of invading alien plants on surface water resources in South Africa: A preliminary assessment. Water Research Commission 26 (3) 397 - 408
Riddell ES, Kilian W, Versveld W, Kosoana A 2016. Groundwater stable isotope profile of the Etosha National Park, Namibia: short communication. Koedoe - African Protected Area Conservation and Science 58 (1) 1-7
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Groundwater stable isotope profile of the Etosha National Park.pdf 510.93 KB
2002. 2.21 Rivers, basins, pans and lakes.
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Fig 2.21 Rivers, basins, pans and 143.89 KB
Gevers TW, van der Westhuyzen JP 1937. Variation in composition of sub-surface water in the Swakop River, South-West Africa. South African Journal of Science 33 231-241
Cassidy L 1997. The human environment, Botswana Sector.
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The human environment_Botswana Sector.pdf 1.29 MB
Gieske A, Obakeng O 1997. Modelling outflow from the Jao/Boro River system in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Journal of Hydrology 193 214 - 239
Cronberg G, Gieske A, Martins E, Mengu JP, Stenstrom I-M 1995. Hydrobiological studies of the Okavango Delta and Kwando /Lenyanti /Chobe River, Botswana, I surface water quality analysis. Botswana Notes and Records 27 151 - 226
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Hydrobiological studies of the Okavango Delta and Kwando.pdf 6.13 MB
Hiyama T, Kanamori H, Kambatuku JR, Kotani A, Asai K, Mizuochi H, Fujioka Y, Iijima M 2017. Analysing the origin of rain- and subsurface water in seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia. Environmental Research Letters 129 (3) 034012
Hernandez M, Miller SN, Goodrich DC, Kepner WG, Edmonds CM, Jones KB 2000. Modeling runoff response to land cover and rainfall spatial variability in semi-arid watersheds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64 285-298
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modellingrunoff.pdf 174.68 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Surface water of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Surface_water_lowres.pdf 990.2 KB
1926. The waters of the desert. Agricultural Journal of South Africa 17 (1) 677-681
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The waters of the desert.pdf 166.97 KB