
A nonmetallic element existing in a crystalline or amorphous form and in four stable isotopes; used as a chemical intermediate and fungicide, and in rubber vulcanization. It is deposited from volcanic vents and fumaroles and also is found in sedimentary rocks, particularly with gypsum and limestone, and associated with salt-domes. Native sulphur is the main source of sulphur for the sulphuric acid industry, followed by sour gas (natural gas containing hydrogen sulphide) and pyrite. Sulphur is an essential plant macronutrient. (Source: MGH / ALL)

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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Swanepoel JW, Krüger GHJ, van Heerden PDR 2007. Effects of sulphur dioxide on photosynthesis in the succulent Augea capensis Thunb.. Journal of Arid Environments 70 (2) 208-221
Eckardt FD, Schemenauer RS 1998. Fog water chemistry in the Namib desert, Namibia. Atmospheric Environment 32 (14-15) 2595-2599
Sonderberg K, Henschel J, Swap RJ, Macko SA 2014. Sulphur isotopes in the central Namib Desert ecosystem. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa (Special Issue: A festschrift for Professor Mary Seely) 69 (3) 217-233
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Ohde T, Mohrholz V 2011. Interannual variability of sulphur plumes off the Namibian coast. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (24) 9327-9342
Pirajno F, Kinnaird JA, Fallick AE, Boyce AJ, Petzel VFW 1993. Report: A preliminary regional sulphur isotope study of selected samples from mineralised deposits of the Damara Orogen, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 8 87-104