soil layer

Distinctive successive layers of soil produced by internal redistribution processes. Conventionally the layers have been divided into A, B and C horizons. The A horizon is the upper layer, containing humus and is leached and/or eluviated of many minerals. The B horizon forms a zone of deposition and is enriched with clay minerals and iron/aluminium oxides from the A layer. The C layer is the parent material for the present soil and may be partially weathered rock, transported glacial or alluvial material or an earlier soil. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gilabert MA, González-Piqueras J, Garci´a-Haro FJ, Meliá J 2002. A generalized soil-adjusted vegetation index. Remote Sensing of Environment 82 (2-3) 303-310
Qu EB, Omelon CR, Oren A, Meslier V, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling G, DiRuggiero J 2020. Trophic selective pressures organize the composition of endolithic microbial communities from global deserts. Frontiers in Microbiology 10
Beugler-Bell H, Buch MW 1997. Soils and soil erosion in the Etosha National Park, northern Namibia. Madoqua 20 (1) 91-104
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