
One of the four equal periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices, resulting from the apparent movement of the sun north and south of the equator during the course of the earth's orbit around it. These periods (spring, summer, autumn and winter) have their characteristic weather conditions in different regions, and occur at opposite times of the year in the N and S hemispheres. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 118 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Beyer H 1970. Frühlings-vogelleben in einem Südwester Farmgarten. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (4-6) 14-19
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Fruehlings Vogelleben in einem Suedwester Farmgarten_1940.pdf 649.52 KB
Borello WD, Herremans M, Underhill LG 1997. Some palaearctic migrants in Namibia: Setting the record straight. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 4-7
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Some palaearctic migrants in Namibia_Setting the record straight.pdf 231.59 KB
Niddrie R 2010. Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season. Lanioturdus 43 (4) 14-15
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Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season.pdf 269.2 KB
Garstang M, Davis RE, Leggett K, Frauenfeld OW, Greco S, Zipser E, Peterson M 2014. Response of African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) to seasonal changes in rainfall. Plos ONE 9 (10) e108736
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Response of African Elephants to seasonal changes in rainfall.pdf 2.41 MB
Lindeque M, Archibald T 1991. Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 17 (2) 129-133
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Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park.pdf 773.46 KB
Rodriguez A, Negro JJ, Bustamante J, Fox JW, Afanasyev V 2009. Geolocators map the wintering grounds of threatened Lesser Kestrels in Africa. Diversity and Distributions 15 1010-1016
de Villiers PA, Kok OB 1988. Eto-ekologiese aspekte van olifante in die Nasionale Etoshawildtuin. Madoqua 15 (4) 319-338
Stapelberg H, van Rooyen MW, Bothma J du P, van der Linde MJ, Groeneveld HT 2008. Springbok behaviour as affected by environmental conditions in the Kalahari. Koedoe 50 (1) 145-153
Strohbach BJ 2013. Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West, Namibia. Biodiversity and Ecology 5 321-339
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Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West.pdf 2.34 MB
Harris GW, Wienhold FG, Zenker T 1996. Airborne observations of strong biogenic NO x emissions from the Namibian savanna at the end of the dry season. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 101 (D19) 23707-23711
Heinl M, Frost P, Vanderpost C, Sliva J 2007. Fire activity on drylands and floodplains in the southern Okavango Delta, Botswana. Journal of Arid Environments 68 (1) 77-87
Rundel PW, Cowling RM 2013. Biodiversity of the Succulent Karoo. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Second Edition 485-490
Loarie SR, van Aarde RJ, Pimm SL 2009. Elephant seasonal vegetation preferences across dry and wet savannas. Biological Conservation 142 (12) 3099-3107
Franz M, Kramer-Schadt S, Kilian W, Wissel C, Groeneveld J 2010. Understanding the effects of rainfall on elephant - vegetation interactions around waterholes. Ecological Modelling 221 (24) 2909-2917
Cowling RM, Hilton-Taylor C 1991. 4 - Plant biogeography, endemism and diversity. The karoo - Ecological Patterns and Processes 42-46
Hassler SK, Kreyling J, Beierkuhnlein C, Eisold J, Samimi C, Wagenseil H, Jentsch A 2010. Vegetation pattern divergence between dry and wet season in a semiarid savanna - Spatio-temporal dynamics of plant diversity in northwest Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 74 (11) 1516 - 1524
Alexander W 2007. Climate Change in Disarray - An African Perspective. Frontier Backgrounder 51 1 - 5
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Climate Change in Disarray_An African Perspective.pdf 349.1 KB
Villacastin-Herrero CA, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Shannon LV 1996. Sea-surface temperature of oceans surrounding subequatorial Africa - seasonal patterns, spatial coherence and long-term trends. South Africa Journal of Science 92 189-197
Archibald S, Nickless A, Govender N, Scholes RJ, Lehsten V 2010. Climate and the inter-annual variability of fire in southern Africa: A meta-analysis using long-term field data and satellite-derived burnt area data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 794 - 809
Herremans M, Herremans-Tonnoeyr D 1996. Seasonal pattern of lanner falcon Falco biarmicus abundance in Botswana. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 67 (2) 83 - 84
Maclean GL 1969. The breeding seasons of birds in the south-western Kalahari. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 40 (1) 179 - 192
Thiollay J-M 1978. Population structure and seasonal fluctuations of the Falconiformes in Uganda National Parks. East African Wildlife Journal 16 (3) 145 - 151
Winterbottom JM 1974. The Cape Teal. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 45 (2) 110 - 132
Winterbottom JM 1963. Avian Breeding Seasons in Southern Africa. Proceedings of the 13th International Ornithological Congress 640-648
2002. 3.26 One measure of drought - grid.
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Fig 3.26 One measure of drought - 143.89 KB
2002. 3.26 One measure of drought.
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Fig 3.26 One measure of 143.89 KB
2002. 3.24 Average rainfall per month.
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Fig 3.24 Average rainfall per 143.89 KB