
The study of vegetation, including the organization, interdependence, development, geographical distribution and classification of plant communities. (Source: LBC)

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Displaying results 1 - 8 of 8 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Strohbach BJ 2013. Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West, Namibia. Biodiversity and Ecology 5 321-339
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Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West.pdf 2.34 MB
Strohbach B, Kangombe F 2012. National Phytosociological Database of Namibia. Biodiversity and Ecology 4
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National Phytosociological Database of Namibia.pdf 205.44 KB
Leistner OA, Werger MJA 1973. Southern kalahari phytosociology. Vegetatio 28 (5-6) 353-399
Burke A 2002. Plant communities of a Central Namib inselberg landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (4) 483 - 492
Strohbach BJ, Adank WF, Coetzee ME, Jankowitz WJ 2019. A baseline description of the soils and vegetation of Farm Klein Boesman, Khomas Region, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (3) 37-55