
A mixture of pigment and a vehicle, such as oil or water, that together form a liquid or paste that can be applied to a surface to provide an adherent coating that imparts colour to and often protects the surface. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 3 of 3 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Conrad NJ, Breunig P, Gonska H, Marinetti G 1988. The feasibility of dating rock paintings from Brandberg, Namibia, with 14C466. Journal of Archaeological Science 15 (4) 463-466
Lenssen-Erz T 2004. The landscape setting of rock-painting sites in the Brandberg (Namibia): infrastructure, Gestaltung, use and meaning. Pictures and place - The figured landscapes of rock-art 131-150
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The landscape setting of rock_painting sites in the Brandberg.pdf 2.03 MB
Kinahan J 1999. Towards an archaeology of mimesis and rain-making in Namibian rock art. The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape - Shaping Your Landscape 336-357
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Kinahan 1999 Mimesis and rainmaking.pdf 2.72 MB