A place or building where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited, preserved or studied. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 17 of 17 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Demasius E 2009. A visit to the Vänersborg Museum. Lanioturdus 42 (1) 3-9
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A visit to the Vaenersborg Museum_2009.pdf 525.96 KB
MacDonald JD 1952. Forms of the Transvaal Museum. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 22 29 - 32
Komen J 1996. Museums: Neglected keys to environmental understanding. Namibia Environment 1 126-127
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Museums_neglected keys to environmental understanding_1996.pdf 2.67 MB
Figueira R, Lages F 2019. Chapter 19: Museum and Herbarium Collections for Biodiversity Research in Angola. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 513-542
Allan DG, Mcinnes AM 2002. A catalogue of birds' eggs in the Durban Natural Science Museum. Durban Museum Novitates 27 3-27
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A catalogue of birds eggs in the Durban Natural Science Museum.pdf 324.44 KB
van den Hoek Ostende LW, Dekker RWRJ, Keijl GO 1997. Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1. Non-Passerines.
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van_den_Hoek_Ostende_1997_type_specimens.pdf 520.65 KB
Gyldenstolpe N 1926. Types of Birds in the Royal Natural History Museum in Stockholm. Arkiv för Zoologi 19 (1) 1-116
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Gyldenstolpe_1926_Arkiv_Zoologi_19_bird_types.pdf 6.14 MB
1978. Einer Sammlung südwestafrikanischer Vögel in Vaenersboerg, Schweden, von Axel W Eriksson. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 13 (10/11) 1
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Einer Sammlung suedwestafrikanischer Voegel in Vaenersboerg_1978.pdf 223.35 KB
Craig AJFK 2015. The Mountain pipit Anthus hoeschi: Museum specimens revisited. Durban Natural Science Museum Novitates 38 28-40
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Mountain Pipit.pdf 262.69 KB
Cherry MI 2009. What can museum and herbarium collections tell us about climate change?. South Africa Journal of Science 105 (3-4) 87-88