coastal pollution

The presence, release or introduction of polluting substances in or onto the seashore or the land near it. (Source: TOE / DOE / RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Safetech 2009. Specialist study on noise impact.
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Namport - Walvis Bay EIA 2010 - Noise Impact Assessment.pdf 712.78 KB
Delta Marine Consultants (DMC), The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 2009. EIA Study for Strategic Expansion of the Walvis Bay Container Terminal. 115
Downloadable files:
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Namport - Walvis Bay 2009 - Final Scoping Report.pdf 2.33 MB
Orani AM, Vassileva E, Wysocka I, Angelidis M, Rozmaric M, Louw D 2018. Baseline study on trace and rare earth elements in marine sediments collected along the Namibian coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin (131) 386-395
Orani AM, Vassileva E, Renac C, Schmidt S, Angelidis MO, Rozmaric M, Louw D 2019. First assessment on trace elements in sediment cores from Namibian coast and pollution sources evaluation. Science of The Total Environment (669) 668-682