
A green pigment, present in algae and higher plants, that absorbs light energy and thus plays a vital role in photosynthesis. Except in Cyanophyta (blue-green algae), chlorophyll is confined to chloroplasts. There are several types of chlorophyll, but all contain magnesium and iron. Some plants (e.g., brown algae, red algae, copper beech trees) contain additional pigments that masks the green of their chlorophyll. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Swanepoel JW, Krüger GHJ, van Heerden PDR 2007. Effects of sulphur dioxide on photosynthesis in the succulent Augea capensis Thunb.. Journal of Arid Environments 70 (2) 208-221
Lauterbach M, de Wet van der Merwe P, Keßler L, Pirie MD, Bellstedt DU, Kadereit G Evolution of leaf anatomy in arid environments – A case study in southern African Tetraena and Roepera (Zygophyllaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97 129-144
Louw DC, van der Plas AK, Mohrholz V, Wasmund N, Junker T, Eggert A 2016. Seasonal and interannual phytoplankton dynamics and forcing mechanisms in the Northern Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Marine Systems 157 124-134
Barlow R, Lamont T, Mitchell-Innes B, Lucas M, Thomalla S 2009. Primary production in the Benguela ecosystem, 1999–2002. African Journal of Marine Science 31 (1) 97-101
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Eiserhardt WL, Rohwer JG, Russell SJ, Yesilyurt JC, Schneider H 2011. Evidence for radiations of cheilanthoid ferns in the Greater Cape Floristic Region. Taxon 60 (5) 1269-1283
Gwizdala M, Lebre P, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Cowan D, Krüger T 2021. Sub‐lithic photosynthesis in hot desert habitats. Environmental Microbiology
Lange OL, Green TGA, Heber U 2001. Hydration-dependent photosynthetic production of lichens: what do laboratory studies tell us about field Performance?. Journal of Experimental Botany 52 (363) 2033-2042
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Veste M, Littmann T, Friedrich H, Breckle S-W 2001. Microclimate boundary conditions for activity of soil lichen crusts in sand dunes of the north-western Negev desert, Israel. Flora 196 465-474
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