The period of time that a person, animal or plant has lived or is expected to live. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 29 of 29 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Oschadleus HD 2017. Weaver longevity records from Namibia. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 25
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Weaver longevity records from Namibia.pdf 638.01 KB
Komen J 1991. African marsh warbler longevity record. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 22-23
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African marsh warbler longevity_1991.pdf 147.48 KB
Bristow CS, Duller GAT, Lancaster N 2007. Age and dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert. Geology 35 (6) 555-558
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Age and dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert_2007.pdf 449.87 KB
Piper SE, Mundy PJ, Vernon CJ 1989. An ageing guide for the Cape Vulture. Madoqua 16 (2) 105-110
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An ageing guide for the Cape Vulture_1989.pdf 1.28 MB
Enders M, Schüle H 1993. Age identification of a Namib desert tenebrionid beetle. Journal of Arid Environments 24 (2) 211-214
van Jaarsveld AS, Henschel JR, Skinner JD 1987. Improved age estimation in spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta). Journal of Zoology 213 (4) 758-762
Ward JD, Corbett I 1990. Towards an age for the Namib. Namib ecology: 25 years of Namib research 17-26
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Towards an age for the Namib.pdf 1.48 MB
Steenkamp CJ, Vogel JC, Fuls A, van Rooyen N 2008. Age Determination of Acacia erioloba trees in the Kalahari.
Robertson I, Loader NJ, Froyd CA, Zambatis N, Whyte I, Woodborne S 2006. The potential of the baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) As a proxy climate archive. Applied Geochemistry 21 1674 - 1680
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robertson_2_2006.pdf 150.8 KB
Levine S, van der Berg S, Yu D 2009. Measuring the impact of social cash transfers on poverty and inequality in Namibia.
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Social_grants_Namibia_2009.pdf 1.2 MB
Stander PE 1997. Field age determination of leopards by tooth wear. African Journal of Ecology 35 (2) 156-161
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Field age determination of leopards by tooth wear.pdf 84.45 KB
Barnard P 1988. Ageing and sexing: Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild. Safring News 17 (1) 79-83
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Ageing and sexing_Common Waxbill_1988.pdf 244.63 KB