
Population density per square kilometre in the Okavango Basin, approximately in 2001

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Population density per square kilometre in the Okavango Basin focal area, approximately in 2001, derived from people density-kavango.shp for Kavango, and for Ngamiland, numbers of people recorded in the 2001 census (population per locality, ngamiland.xls) were 'spread' over distances of five kilometres around each village. For Angola, we used population estimates for different towns supplied by OCHA (Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs), our own estimates of village sizes from aerial and ground surveys and density estimates from the UNEP database of population densities for certain areas. These sources provided a total estimate of about 370,000 people in Angola. In addition, from areas cleared for cultivation (see cleared land-angola.shp) we estimated that an average household of five people had cleared 10 hectares, and this method gave a total estimate of 320,000 people in Angola. The real total is thus unlikely to be less than 300,000 or more than 400,000 people. Official estimates of populations in Angola are far too high, a consequence of how the central government allocates funds on the basis of the number of people claimed to be in each province. Origin: RAISON.

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Map Data
Attachment Size
People density-focal area_2004.zip 942.02 KB