
Population density per square kilometre in 2000 in Namibia

Publication Year:

Population density per square kilometre in 2000, estimated by linking to each household the average number of people per household in each enumeration area, as analysed from the 1991 Population and Housing Census data. Positions of households were mapped by the 1996 Directorate of Surveys and Mapping 1:50 000 mapping project and by the Caprivi Environmental Profile project (Mendelsohn, JM & Roberts, CS. 1997. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi. Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Windhoek). Densities were then estimated by 'spreading' the number of people at each household over one kilometre. Finally, the estimated density was increased by a growth factor by 6.3% to account for population growth between 1996 and 2000. The growth factor was based on population projections compiled by the National Planning Commission. Origin: RAISON and various.

Item Type:
Map Data
Attachment Size
People density-Kavango_2004.zip 83.49 KB